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Culture & Education
AI and education: “Morocco is not the country to miss out”. Interview with Dr Abdelilah Kadili.
What impact do digital technologies have on our minds, and how can we make them positive?
New perspectives on generative AI models: in conversation with Daniel Gillblad
Serge Tisseron - Communicating with avatars
Metaverse for the people: a utopia?
A review of HTF's past year
Report on digital identity
Will NFTs revolutionise religions?
Technology is creating new worlds: but for whom ?
Targeted advertising: Are efficiency and transparency mutually exclusive?
The HTF partners with the DIACC on recommendations for a trusted and safe adoption of Digital Identity
Is this the end of solidarity?
In conversation with... Nozha Boujemaa
In conversation with... Nicolas Merveille
In conversation with... Kathy Malas
"Silicon Valley leaders function like clan leaders" - Décideurs Magazine
"The new shamans are living off high technology." -
#LaREFprogrès - MEDEF
"A leader must create a collective" - Forbes France
"Edition 9 - God & The Sillicon Valley" - Challenges
"Technologies must not make humans the adjustment variable" - Le Figaro
Tech For Good, technology for the common good
"Digital · All connected, all chained?" - Thomas More Institute
"America less religious at the ballot box ?" - RFI
"To humanise technology is to be humanised by technology" - Aleteia
"Tech in the midst of a crisis of faith" - France 24
"Dieu et la Silicon Valley" discussion with Eric Salobir - by David Abiker
Annual Convention CriP 2020
11 p.m. Newscast - FranceInfo
"Smart Tech" - B SMART
"The Time: Dieu et la Silicon Valley" - RTS
Neuroethical considerations in the midst of a health crisis
Intelligence on trial : Interview of Yannick Meneceur
"Does the tech world think it's God ?" - BFMTV
A new perspective for more ethical technologies
Is there a just cyber war ?
Data work, Nudge and Reductionism
Unlockdown the Human ! - Eric Salobir
Long Shot: Anthropologists in the land of Algorithms
Interview with Helen Margetts: Towards a connected democracy
Regalian power and algorithms, towards algocracy ?
Who governs the digital ?
Research Papers - Technological Revolution
Disrupt Together - David Li
The inequalities of the digital society
Grand Interview: Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO
Democracy and dignity in the digital age
Annual Report "Ethics & Tech" - 2019
Philosophy, Neurosciences and IA: The New Frontiers