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Society & Public policies
International Women's Day
AI Act - Obligations related to training a general purpose AI Model
Unlocking Digital Identity - Insights from Use Cases for Enhanced Implementation, Trustworthiness and Individual Empowerment
Viva Technology x KPMG
Generative AIS and productivity: disentangling the false from the true
Why is digital identity so important? A conversation with the experts of our working group
Why are the underdogs the key to winning the future? Introducing LATAM 4.0
Digital identity: between trust and distrust
Dinner with Yann LeCun, META Chief AI Scientist
The Challenges of Teaching AI
GENERATIVE AI AND ETHICS : From principles to practice
Diversity in AI - Towards a Problem Statement
How can we measure the contribution of Artificial Intelligence to human development and flourishing?
Artificial intelligence and emerging technologies: a challenge for civilization?
HTF 2022 annual report
The metaverse: a vector of sovereignty for the State?
Metaverse for the people: a utopia?
A review of HTF's past year
Digital identity: reflection must take place at international level
Report on digital identity
Responsible investment in technology
Targeted advertising: Are efficiency and transparency mutually exclusive?
The HTF partners with the DIACC on recommendations for a trusted and safe adoption of Digital Identity
The European Union and the United States : A common regulation on digital assets?
Sustainable Blockchain ?
Brian Green on Being human in the age of AI: the anthropological issue
In conversation with... Nozha Boujemaa
In conversation with... Kilian Gross, Alpesh Shah & Nye Thomas
Responsible AI: European and North American Perspectives on the new EU draft AI regulation
In conversation with... Nicolas Merveille
Real revolutions and false promises: the reality of technology today - France Culture
In conversation with... David Doat
In conversation with... Kathy Malas
"Silicon Valley leaders function like clan leaders" - Décideurs Magazine
"The new shamans are living off high technology." -
#LaREFprogrès - MEDEF
"Technologies must not make humans the adjustment variable" - Le Figaro
Tech For Good, technology for the common good
94th meeting of "Semaines Sociales de France" - SSF
"Digital · All connected, all chained?" - Thomas More Institute
"Dieu et la Silicon Valley" discussion with Eric Salobir - by David Abiker
" Space in all its states : Les voix des entrepreneurs " - Sud Radio
11 p.m. Newscast - FranceInfo
Covid19: App or Lockdown ?
Report "Artificial Intelligence, Insurance & Solidarity" - January 2020
Intelligence on trial : Interview of Yannick Meneceur
Digital wave by Victor de Castro
Technology Governance in a time of crisis
Is there a just cyber war ?
Interview with Helen Margetts: Towards a connected democracy
Regalian power and algorithms, towards algocracy ?
Who governs the digital ?
Research Papers - Technological Revolution
What impact will the pandemic have on bioethics research ?
The inequalities of the digital society
Grand Interview: Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO
Annual Report "Ethics & Tech" - 2019