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AI and the Paris 2024 Olympics

In April,International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach introduced the AI Agenda,designed to leverage the latest advances in AI for the Olympic Games. Here’s everything you need to know right now about how AI will be used in theParis 2024 Olympic Games. Discover how AI will transform the experiences of spectators, for athletes, and even predict future Olympic stars.


1. How is AI transforming the experiences of athletes and spectators at the Paris 2024Olympics?

·      Here are technologies revolutionizing the athlete experience:


This is a 24/7 AI chatbot on the Athlete365 app that rapidly scans extensive information to answer questions, says Todd Harple from Intel Labs. AthleteGPT answers athletes' questions and provides information at the Olympic Village, so they can focus on training and competing.  The chatbot is a large language model (LLM)powered by Mistral AI and Intel Gaudi processors.

Intel’s 3D athlete tracking (3DAT):

This technology uses AI to monitor 21 body points using a smartphone, offering detailed movement data and biomechanical insights. This technology is expected to enhance competition and set new records.

·      Here are technologies transforming spectator experience:

Translation device

Many Olympic visitors may be unfamiliar with Paris and how to navigate to key venues. To assist them, the Paris public transport network (RATP) has provided over 3,000 agents with AI-powered translation devices during theGames. The handheld Tradivia device can translate betweenFrench and 16 different languages, including Mandarin, Arabic and Korean.Translations are displayed on a screen and read aloud.

Immersive AI experience for fans

Intel is creating a unique AI experience for fans attending the Olympics in Paris. This experience willsimulate what it’s like to be an Olympic athlete.

3D maps

Google and NBCUniversal have partnered to enhance the Olympic Games broadcast. Google's technology will provide 3D maps of venues and an advanced search system for detailed sports information.


2. How Will AI Influence Security at theParis 2024 Olympics?

AI to monitor potential threats:

In2023, France passed Law No. 2023-380 to establish the legal framework for the 2024 Olympics, including Article 7, which allows for AI video surveillance. The main goal of this law is to enhance security for the “Paris 2024 Olympic Games” by using AI to monitor for threats and manage large crowds efficiently.This includes identifying unusual activities, suspicious luggage and traffic issues, with drones assisting in surveillance.

However, the extensive use of AI and surveillance has sparked concerns about privacy andcivil liberties, particularly regarding compliance with GDPR(European data protection regulations) and the EUAI Act, which will ban live facial recognition across Europe starting February 1, 2025. The implementation of such “exceptional” surveillance measures for the Olympics escalates concerns about state monitoring andraises fears of excessive government intrusion.

To address theseissues and build public trust, it would be ideal for the French government tooffer clear information about how these AI-powered surveillance systems willfunction and their effectiveness in ensuring security. It’s important toexplain what types of data will be collected, how it will be managed, who willhave access to it, and when the systems will be turned off or phased out.Additionally, addressing how they will manage false positives—when the systemmistakenly identifies something as a threat—will help people understand andfeel more confident about these technologies.



3. How might AI influence the selection and exclusion of athletes based on data-driven predictions?

AI for predicting future Olympic stars:

There is no evidence that AI was involved in selecting athletes for the Paris 2024 OlympicGames. However, there are a lot of expectations about the potential of AI to identify emerging sports talent worldwide. According to Sara Vicker, Head of Intel’s Olympic andParalympic Office, the Senegalese Olympic Committee used mobile phones andAI platforms to test 1,000 children in Senegal to identify those with Olympic potential.

However, while innovation offers exciting opportunities to discover the future Olympic Star,it is crucial to address the ethical and privacy implications such as: How can we prevent and tackle biases in AI systems from disadvantaging under represented athletes? How will we prevent misuse or commercialization of athletes' data and ensure accountability? What measures will safeguard athletes' data and ensure proper consent? How will the technology protect athletes' well-being while respecting their privacy and autonomy?

We trust that the International Olympic Committee and its partners have the resources neededto address these ethical and privacy issues surrounding AI, ensuring a fair and promising future for all athletes.


As AI transforms the Paris 2024 Olympics, we're excited to see its impact and committed todiscussing its advancements and challenges with a focus on responsible AI. Stay tuned for updates and join us in this important conversation!

By Karin Tafur, Yasmin Gaoui, Léo Gaudin, Kilian Meddasand Sacha Pergola.

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